Loving yourself is the foundation on which you show others
true love. Until you fall in love with yourself, loving the rest of the world
will be impossible. The mistake most people make is thinking that their
happiness lies in the hands of others. And for that reason they depend solely
on the acceptance or rejection of others.
Spouses for instance, think their partner owes them the
obligation of making and keeping them happy and when that doesn't happen, the
marriage experiences crisis. The truth is, no one can love you as much as you
will; no one can accept you as much as you will; no one can enjoy you as much
you will. You are the only one that can fall deeply in love with you without holding
Listed below are 8
Ways on how to fall deeply in love with the 'You' in 'You':
Accept Your Person:
Knowing who you are is the easiest way to accept 'You'. When you know your
strengths and your weaknesses, accepting your person becomes very easy and fun.
Don't Be Hard On
Yourself: Stop judging yourself unfairly. Trust me; it's not as bad as you
think! Be kind to that person that is inside of you. Say kind and encouraging
words to 'him'. Make 'him' feel good. Don't wait for someone to do it for you.
You may be disappointed on how selfish people can be.
Don't Make Comparism
Of Yourself With Others: Above all, know this-You are unique! There's no
one like you on the face of the earth. No identical set of twins are the same.
Each person has a unique personality. Accept yours. Don't try to be like
others. The truth is, there are certain things about you that no one has.
Discover these things; work on them and you will see yourself standing out in
the crowd and no doubt, this will make you fall deeply in love with you.
Give Yourself Treats:
You don't have to wait for that special person to take you out on a date before
you can have a treat. Learn to enjoy yourself. Take yourself out to places of
relaxation and fun. Enjoy life to the fullest and don't let anyone stop you.
Let Go Of The Past:
Past sins have a way of tormenting the soul and making it miserable. But the
truth is that you have the power to put a stop to the torment! You have to
forgive yourself of the past! Destroy that prison door where you have kept
yourself imprisoned all the while and set yourself FREE! No matter how hard you
try, you can't change the past but you do have the power to determine the
future. So make the most out of the present by letting go of the past and then
facing the future cheerfully.
Believe In Yourself:
This is having confidence in you. I am not talking about being proud and
conceited but having that confidence that you can face the challenges of life
no matter how they choose to come. The truth, if you don't believe you can do
it, no one will! Believing in one's self will make one keep his head high and
straight. The world knows when a man is confident in himself and that attracts
Dwell On Positive
Thoughts About You: Whatever a man dwells upon consistently for a certain
period of time becomes manifest physically. Feelings are magnetic. They can
bring good things your way and as well bring trouble to you. If all you do is
dwell on the thought that 'you are no good', that's exactly how people will see
you. To fall deeply in love with yourself, dwell on lovely thoughts about you.
Surround Yourself
With People Who Believe In You: No one can put you down without your
permission like-wise no one can write you off without your permission. If all
you have around you are people who believe you can never amount to anything
good in life, the tendency is, you will find it difficult to fall in love with
you. Friendship is not by force! You have the right to choose the people that
hang around you.
My Advice: select
only those who believe in You!
The way you carry yourself is the way others will carry you.
If you have a poor and pathetic picture of 'you', don't expect the people
around you to do otherwise. There is so much chaos in the world today because
people have not learnt to love themselves. You can't give what you don't have.
If you have no love in you and for you, you will find it hard loving others.
Be happy! Celebrate yourself at every given opportunity.
Create your own world of happiness. Create a magnetic field of happiness around
you and by so doing, you will not only make yourself happy but the world as
well. This way, you can't help but fall deeply in love with that special person
inside of you.
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